LCA Fact #1: You can never have too many batteries.
Anyway, the main purpose of Steve and Stuart's visit this weekend was to meet with John and our many stakeholders to discuss the oh so legendary LCA network, and everything is looking really positive right now. Can't let too much out until all discussions are done with, but let's just say, all things going well there should be no shortage of Interwebz for our highly connected delegates. :-D
LCA Fact #2: There is no such thing as too much internet...
Anyway, the day was spent talking large amounts of networking, watching the weather through the windows of Wrest Point changing from sunny to sleeting, while a sailboard sunk into the Derwent under the weight of the wind; and then traditional curry at our now regular curry place while Steve discussed fake blood and Stuart and myself indulged in nerdy pop culture references. ("0118-999-88199....")
LCA Fact #3: The Nightlife boxes apparently run a Linux front end - and album covers are specifically designed to make OCD people go crazy.
And now a few days for my stomach to recover from too much food and ROFLing. :-) Thanks guys.